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clothes factory ”Polstar” Print E-mail
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Пятница, 14 Октябрь 2005


On November, the 6th, 2003 on the basis of the collective enterprise "Krivoy Rog’s  clothes factory "Start" by the foreign investor the Austrian company "Polaris GmbH" has been created a modern clothes factory - ”Polstar”. The strategy of our young company is directed on successful development of the reached positions in manufacturing and selling of the product, high quality, rhythm of work – here is the slogan of the company to which "Polstar" strictly follows. As the main investor of the company ”Polstar” the Austrian firm "Polaris GmbH" not only puts up the capital, provides with the newest samples of the European equipment made of high technologies, creates additional workplaces, but also assigns greater hopes for the future of company “Polstar", for the prospect of growth and development.




 At the present time "Polstar" is one of the largest factories of light industry in Ukraine. Due to installation of new automatic and semi-automatic product lines, high qualification of the personnel we managed to raise considerably quality of finished products, labour productivity and to increase output up to 130000 units per month. Work of our company is directed on constant improvement of technology of tailoring, enlargement of assortment of clothes due to creation and implantation to manufacture of new models of clothes. The basis of assortment of production of company "Polstar" is made with trousers of a jeans fabric of various styles for the worldwide known brands.

It is necessary to note, that the plans of the company include conquest not only external, but also a home market of light industry. At present time at our company work 800 persons. They are cutters, technologists, designers, seamstresses, thermo-finishers which constantly raise their qualification, improve working skills and quality of manufacturing. By the way, for the personnel of company "Polstar" are created comfortable job conditions. The salary is in due time paid, privileges are allowed, material assistance, hospital sheets are paid. Also workers and their children during the tariff holiday can have a rest in recreational centers, permits in which are given by trade-union committee of the company - all these are the conclusive parameters of the European standard of work of company "Polstar". Today, in connection with active increasing of rates of manufacturing and growth of demand for our production our company makes a set of the staff - qualified seamstresses, with professional experience and proper education. We will be glad, if you visit us and join the big family of the company "Polstar”.



Last Updated ( Четверг, 14 Август 2008 )
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